Who is Keith Selvin?
Update 2021: sadly, Keith died in January 2021 in his early 30s. Please see our obituary. If we get any more information, we'll update this page.
Eagle-eyed viewers of the movie will note a credit for one Keith Selvin as 'Young Stuart' -- but who is Keith?
Well, as luck would have it, Keith lives in the same city as me (Boston) and so when Stevie and I teamed up with Trash Industries and the Shaun Ryder Foundation to show the movie at The Haven in 2018, Keith came along, saw the movie, signed prizes and bought us a load of drinks. Absolute legend.

Press pack from the movie


Keith also sent us over the following images from shooting.

Keith with his father.

Keith on set.

Keith's trailer

Young Stuart, Charlie and Harriet's son.
And here is Keith signing prizes:

And here is Keith with the winner of a very large mug, our friend Max Grinnell at the Axe-ter party.

Thanks to Keith, Max, Jason at The Haven, Pingu at Trash Industries and X at the Shaun Ryder Foundation for helping us put together a great night.
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